Buenos Noches! With a ten hour flight from Dallas to Argentina, I figure I would start my blog with a greeting/introduction to my trip. They don't have WiFi with American Air, so I'm just writing this now and will post it as soon as I have internet access! I'll be in Buenos Aires from Saturday, January 7th (tomorrow) to May 11th (when I fly back home, arriving May 12th). The time difference is 5 hours ahead, which shouldn't be too hard to adjust to. Or impossible. I have no idea.
It's hard to believe this morning I was zipping up my suitcases in Pasadena. Both parents drove me to the airport, practically holding my hand all the way to the security checkpoint. Half of me felt like it was kindergarten all over again and all I wanted to do was run back and cancel the trip and demand my parents to take me home. As for the other half? Who wouldn't want to spend four months of summer in beautiful Argentina, exploring South America, and developing a fluency of the Spanish language.
I got through security fine, although I still have yet to fully catch my breath through all the logistical anxieties (cue puffing my inhaler). The flight from LAX to Dallas was shorter than expected; however, not without the background melodies of a newborn's shrieks a couple rows ahead of me. I finished Freakonomics, which I highly recommend to anyone who hasn't read it (thanks Papa for letting me borrow it).
Lucky for me, I was greeted in Dallas by a fellow DG, Elisa, who is doing the same program (ISA Intensive Spanish Program) and has the same Spanish proficiency that I do, so hopefully we'll be put in the same classes. We caught up a bit, planned some ideal excursions this semester (Patagonia, Santiago to visit some Stanford friends, wine festival at the end of February, Carnaval) and had our last American meal together- BBQ pork sandwiches and potato salad. After an hour flight delay, I'm avoiding the in-flight dinner because I'm hoping to adapt my body ASAP to Argentinean time (it is currently 12 AM there and they still haven't served dinner on the plane.. so I'm glad I spent the extra 5 bucks).
I had a mini anxiety issue (no surprise) when boarding the plane... My dad paid a few extra dollars to get me a window seat; however, upon arrival to my seat in the plane, an Argentinean couple was seated in my spot. After an awkward encounter from them of, "Well aren't you traveling alone?" I gave up (didn't want to be causing a scene) and sat in the woman's seat in the aisle of the row next to my original window seat. I thought beginning my trip with some good karma would come in my favor; however when trying to fit my carry-on into the overhead compartment, an Argentinean man began yelling at me not to break his laptop and that my bag was "way too big for this sort of a flight." Bueno. I guess they aren't kidding with the culture shock of anti-Americanism. Or I should say anti-American college girl who thinks she owns the plane. Luckily a man who sounded very much from Texas helped me out and I was left alone with my bag nicely stored in the compartment next to me (thank you southern hospitality). Finally, I caught a break with an empty seat next to mine for some sleeping room (the aisle actually comes in handy with leg room and bathroom breaks), and I'm going to try and catch some shut-eye before landing in BA tomorrow morning. One last thing- I'm pretty sure the same screaming baby is on this flight.. Goodnight!
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!! xo