Tuesday, February 21, 2012



So Monday I rested in bed all day, originally with the intention of cleaning my room, but my house mom told me that a hired cleaning lady is coming through the house to make it spotless!! Which is fantastic, although she did warn me to hide any and everything just in case. Luckily I'll be gone to Iguazu that weekend, so most likely will have my passport and debit card on person and not in the apartment.

After a good pizza (thank god no more chicken) I took a quick nap before getting ready for the night's festivities. Four of us met up at The Roof bar for a mask party, which turned out being one of the coolest places ever. First of all, drinks were cheap (think 5USD for a long island, 2USD for a shot) and the whole bar was on the roof of a restaurant outside, which added to its laid back atmosphere. Granted, last night it was raining, which kind of hindered the amount of people present, but we had fun none of the less.

They had these egg shells they fill with confetti where you can crack them on someone's head- no idea what kind of tradition it is but it was a fun alternative to the foam fights from Saturday. We ran into a couple more ISA friends, and ended up staying at the bar for three hours before heading elsewhere.

Initially, the group wanted to check out a Brazilian boliche to go in theme with Carnaval, but the distance and price sort of hindered those plans. Two blocks away from the bar was the boliche, Kika, known for a younger crowd (such as ourselves) and good music. Luck struck again with the manager being in the front and letting us girls in for free (the guys had to pay a 15USD cover) and we quickly were dancing to some really good Spanish club music.

Soon enough, as always, I began to get tired, and called it a night around 4am. I walked home with Becca, since Palermo Soho hosts many wanderers in the wee hours of the morning as most of the bars and clubs are situated in this area. I didn't want Becca traveling by herself all the way to Belgrano, so she stayed in Jessica's bed (who was still in Gualeguaychu) just to make sure she didn't get lost/raped/kidnapped/robbed/etc. Better to be safe than sorry :)

Today I just booked my hostel with Elisa (it'll cost around 100USD for the whole week!!) and am heading out to a cafe to meet up with Elisa, Laura, and Becca to discuss hikes and activities to do while we're down there. Chau for now and besos as always :)

 All the chicas at The Roof
 Got egged!
 Sky view of one of the rooms in Kika
Us girls Hilary, Laura, Becca, and me :)

 San Telmo!
 They all individually design their own costumes- this guy had a rolling stones logo along with a River (local fútbol team) logo
 Foam to the face.

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