Thursday, February 9, 2012

First Sick Day


Basically the title says it all. Even though I've literally been inhaling water, I think the heat and exhaustion has caught up to me. Abuela to the max right now. We get two sick days off a month, that are usually geared towards 3 day weekends of traveling, so this morning when I woke up ill I felt very guilty for taking the day off for... well... actually being sick. Last night I met up with a Berkeley friend who's studying abroad in Rio at a bar called Post Bar, which had the COOLEST graffiti art around the walls of the interior. I wish I had taken pictures, but I know one of my friends did so I can post them up later. Basically I had to call the night short, though, because I began to feel a little off and thought if I just got sleep I'd be better this morning.

It's been weird adjusting to the influx of American students at the University (of Belgrano). I don't really know how else to put it other than a reverse culture shock, yet still in Argentina. All of the sudden everyone's speaking English, and I'm seeing friends of friends from Cal, or even people who I recognize from classes and it's like wait- I thought I came to BsAs to get away from all of that? I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, in fact, I love meeting new people, but this weekend I'm reaching out to Argentinean friends (one is through an older DG and the other I met last semester at Berkeley) in order to immerse myself in their culture instead of rotate around the same circles as home.

I really have nothing to say today, I'm just bored and confined to my room so thought I'd write a nonsense post.. Chau!

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